Specialized training

Профессиональные курсы и курсы переподготовки, необходимые для поддержания соответствующей квалификации авиационных специалистов и менеджмента авиационных предприятий.


Aviation Legislation

Target GroupMaintenance organizations’ and Airworthiness departments’ personnel.
ObjectivesThis one-day course gives an overview of regulatory bodies in the aviation world, e.g. ICAO, EASA and National Aviation Authorities and the applicable aviation regulatory systems
Contents• Overview of ICAO and the applicable documents.
• EASA organisation and the European regulatory framework.
• EASA Decisions and AMC/GM.
• National regulations.
DurationTheoretical – 6 h

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Target GroupEmployees engaged in tasks of continuing airworthiness of aircraft (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units directly related to the tasks of the aircraft airworthiness and aircraft technical maintenance), staff involved in developing procedures, Management, Quality Personnel and Auditors.
ObjectivesTraining course give sufficient understanding of European legislation in the field of maintenance of aircraft airworthiness and technical maintenance organization, main sections on maintenance of aircraft airworthiness and technical maintenance organization. Course focuses on the content of EASA Part-M and the relevant Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material.
Contents• Overview of EASA organisation and EASA regulations.
• EC Regulation 1321/2014
• EC Regulation 1321/2014 Annex I (Part-M) and other relevant parts.
DurationTheoretical – 12 h

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EASA Part-66

Target GroupEmployees engaged in tasks of continuing airworthiness of aircraft (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units directly related to the tasks of the aircraft airworthiness and aircraft technical maintenance), staff involved in developing procedures, Management, Quality Personnel and Auditors.
ObjectivesThis one-day course focuses on the content of EASA Part-66 and the relevant Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material.
ContentsOverview of EASA organisation and EASA regulations, Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex III (Part-66)
DurationTheoretical – 6 h

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EASA Part-147

Target GroupEmployees engaged in tasks of continuing airworthiness of aircraft (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units directly related to the tasks of the aircraft airworthiness and aircraft technical maintenance), staff involved in developing procedures, Management, Quality Personnel and Auditors.
ObjectivesThis one-day course focuses on the content of EASA Part-147 and the relevant Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material.
ContentsOverview of EASA organisation and EASA regulations, Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex IV (Part-147)
DurationTheoretical – 6 h

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EASA Part-145

Target GroupEmployees engaged in tasks of continuing airworthiness of aircraft (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units directly related to the tasks of the aircraft airworthiness and aircraft technical maintenance), staff involved in developing procedures, Management, Quality Personnel and Auditors.
ObjectivesThis two-day Training course give sufficient understanding of European legislation in the field of maintenance of aircraft airworthiness and technical maintenance organization, main sections on maintenance of aircraft airworthiness and technical maintenance organization. Course focuses on the content of EASA Part-145 and the relevant Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material, which is explained and discussed thoroughly.
ContentsOverview of EASA organisation and EASA regulations, Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex II (Part-145), ED Decision 2003/19/RM Annex II (AMC to Part-145), ED Decision 2003/19/RM Annex III (GM to Part-145)
DurationTheoretical – 12 h

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Fuel Tank Safety (Level 1 and 2)

Target GroupEmployees engaged in tasks of continuing airworthiness of aircraft (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units directly related to the tasks of the aircraft airworthiness and aircraft technical maintenance), staff involved in developing procedures, Management, Quality Personnel and Auditors.
ObjectivesTraining course give sufficient understanding of European legislation in the field of maintenance of aircraft airworthiness and technical maintenance organization, main sections on maintenance of aircraft airworthiness and technical maintenance organization.
• Upon completion of the training, the attendants shall:
• Know the history, and the theoretical and practical elements of the subject.
• Have detailed information on how the above items affect the aircraft in the scope of the activity of the organisation or in the fleet.
• Be able to define fuel characteristics and know how to reduce the risk of a fuel tank explosion.
• Be familiar with the basic elements of the fuel tank safety issues.
• Be able to give a detailed description of the concept of Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations CDCCL, Airworthiness Limitations Items (ALI) and using theoretical fundamentals and specific examples.
• Have the capacity to combine and apply the separate elements of knowledge in a logical and comprehensive manner.
• Update on the fuel tank flammability reduction System
Contents• History on Fuel Tank incidents.
• Description of theoretical and practical background of elements involved, which lead to these incidents.
• Detailed description of the concept of the Fuel Tank Safety Limitation and Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations.
DurationTheoretical – 8h

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Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS)

Target GroupPersonnel involved in the maintenance and inspection of electrical wiring systems, EASA Part-M Subpart G Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations and EASA Part-145 Maintenance Organisations.
ObjectivesTraining course includes wiring system condition, applicable repair schemes, wiring modifications and ancillary repairs to wiring systems and components. The course provides the participants with the knowledge to understand and interpret the EWIS issues from regulatory requirements and manufacturer’s maintenance documentation
Contents• Familiarisation with the elements of EWIS.
• Overview of the history and background and recognise the elements requiring consideration in relation to EWIS.
• Overview of the EASA regulatory requirements.
• Overview of the new Subpart H to EASA CS 25.
• Overview of EASA AMC 20 guidance material AMC 20-21, -22 & -23.
• Overview of the impact of EWIS on the Part M/G continuing airworthiness management, Part-145 maintenance on large aircraft and components.
DurationTheoretical – 6h

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Human Factors

Target GroupAll personnel involved in maintenance including managers, quality, logistics, planners, engineering staff
ObjectivesThis two-day initial training covers all aspects regarding human factors and the syllabus is i.a.w. 145.A.30/GM 145.A.30(e).
• After the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
• Explain why HF are important to aviation maintenance and the industry as a whole;
• Explain the role of HF and it’s relation to overall safety and well-being;
• Identify the relevant Human Factors (HF) in the operational environment;
• Identify different types of error as well as discuss identified strategies to prevent them to cause failures;
• Describe what complexity means and what the implications are for the organisation as well the individual tasks and responsibilities.
Contents• Human Factors – general introduction;
• Legal requirements;
• Human Performance and its Limitations;
• Environmental factors to Human Performance;
• Communication;
• Teamwork;
• Professionality and Integrity;
• HF programme in your organisation;
• The Dirty Dozen
DurationTheoretical – 12h

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Maintenance Program / Reliability Program / MSG-3

Target GroupEmployees involved in tasks of aircraft technical operation and airworthiness (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units). Postholders; Quality Personnel; Planning staff.
ObjectivesTraining course give basic information about principles of aircraft maintenance program development, reliability program and the bases of MSG-3 logic.
Contents• Overview of EASA regulations
• EC Regulation 1321/2014
• EC Regulation 1321/2014 Annex I (Part-M)
• AMC to Part-M
• Overview of: TCDS, applicable maintenance data (for example: AMM, CMM, etc.), MSG-3-analysis, the reliability program, the issue and/or amendment of maintenance programs i.a.w. special conditions (for example: RVSM, AWO, low-utilisation-programs)
• Exchange of experiences/Workshop:
• Adaptation of Maintenance Program based on the utilisation i.a.w. individual tasks
• Integration of AWO-procedures of Maintenance Programme (z.B. CAT II/III)
• Reliability Program examples/data pool/evaluation
DurationTheoretical – 30h

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Safety & Quality Auditor

Target GroupFuture Auditors and current Auditors, who have to conduct audits as required by Quality Systems / Safety Management Systems / Management Systems.
ObjectivesThis course provides the background and training needed as an Internal Auditor.
Contents• EASA/EU/ and ICAO regulations related to Quality Management, Safety Management and Management Systems with special emphasis on Assurance
• Theoretical background with regard to audits
• Procedures and practical tools for planning, preparation and conduct of audits
• Audit reporting, implementation and monitoring of corrective actions
• Required profile for Auditors
• Soft-skills such as communication, human factor problems and how to overcome them
• Appropriate case studies to apply and further the theoretical knowledge
• Effective IT-tools will be provided on CD
• The content bases on ISO 19011 “guidelines for management systems auditing
DurationTheoretical – 18h

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Train the Trainer

Target GroupInstructors, examiners and practical assessors.
Objectives• To learn the basics of adult education
• Starting the Training Process
• Create learning objectives specifically for adult education
• Handle difficult situations in the training Environment
• Conflict Training
• The group process and the phases of learning/ transfer of information during plenary sessions
• Use of media and aids in Training
• Psychology of learning
• The coaches personality
ContentsThe participants will cover topics like goal orientated training planning and evaluation, usage of media and methodology in practice or in a controlled environment for difficult situations. The course will be let by an experienced instructor and business educator. A mix of different methodologies including practical exercises, individual and group work, video training as well as lectures will be used during these five days.
DurationTheoretical – 30h

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Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Objectives in Company (Aircraft Operator)

Target GroupEmployees involved in tasks of technical maintenance and airworthiness of A318/319/320/321 aircraft with CFM56 engine (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments, logistics departments and other units).
ObjectivesTraining course is based on a type course and give basic information about aircraft structure and A318/319/320/321 family aircraft systems operation.
ContentsTheoretical – 30h

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General Familiarisation A318/319/320/321 CFM56

Target GroupEmployees engaged in tasks of continuing airworthiness of aircraft (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units directly related to the tasks of the aircraft airworthiness).
ObjectivesTraining course is based on the basic European Requirements (EASA) for ensuring Continuous Airworthiness in aircraft operation. There is also given the information about American Requirements (FAA) and Requirements of Bermuda (OTARs). As examples are considered principles used in Airbus aircraft operation.
ContentsTheoretical – 30h

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Aircraft Anti-Icing

Target GroupEmployees engaged in ground aircraft operation.
ObjectivesTraining course is aimed to increase understanding of aircraft anti-icing procedures, knowledge of basic sections and requirements of procedure, skills to determine the required aircraft anti-icing protection.
ContentsTheoretical – 12h

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English in Aircraft Technical Documentation 

Target GroupEmployees involved in tasks of aircraft technical operation and airworthiness (engineering departments, maintenance planning departments and other units), who deal with foreign aviation equipment.
ObjectivesTraining course is aimed to increase scope of vocabulary required for work and reading skills, develop understanding of the technical documentation and information materials language in English.
ContentsTheoretical – 30h

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General Familiarization Embraer EMB-135/145

Target GroupManagement or other support personnel
ObjectivesUpon completion of training, the participant will be able to:
>provide a simple description of the whole subject, using common words and examples, using typical terms and identify relevant safety precaution;
>identify aircraft manuals, maintenance practices;
>define the general layout of the aircraft's major systems and characteristics of the powerplant;
>identify special tooling and test equipment.
Duration30 h
CertificateTraining Certificate

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General Familiarization Boeing 737 CL

Target GroupManagement or other support personnel
ObjectivesUpon completion of training, the participant will be able to:
>provide a simple description of the whole subject, using common words and examples, using typical terms and identify relevant safety precaution;
>identify aircraft manuals, maintenance practices;
>define the general layout of the aircraft's major systems and characteristics of the powerplant;
>identify special tooling and test equipment.
Duration30 h
CertificateTraining Certificate

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General Familiarization Boeing 737 NG

Target GroupManagement or other support personnel
ObjectivesUpon completion of training, the participant will be able to:
>provide a simple description of the whole subject, using common words and examples, using typical terms and identify relevant safety precaution;
>identify aircraft manuals, maintenance practices;
>define the general layout of the aircraft's major systems and characteristics of the powerplant;
>identify special tooling and test equipment.
Duration30 h
CertificateTraining Certificate

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General Familiarization Boeing 747

Target GroupManagement or other support personnel
ObjectivesUpon completion of training, the participant will be able to:
>provide a simple description of the whole subject, using common words and examples, using typical terms and identify relevant safety precaution;
>identify aircraft manuals, maintenance practices;
>define the general layout of the aircraft's major systems and characteristics of the powerplant;
>identify special tooling and test equipment.
Duration30 h
CertificateTraining Certificate

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